Meet Nolan; he just turned two in January! I also just had our second child, Paislee last month as well and it's hard to believe I'm a new mommy again. When I first found out I was pregnant with Nolan, I Googled, and researched, and read "What to Expect When You're Expecting" with every week that passed. But when he was born, that "motherly instinct" that everyone kept talking about just seemed to take over.
Did I know how to be a mom? Of course not! But with the help from friends and learning as I went, it's all worked out so far and I want to share some of that insight with you today.
One of the biggest milestones you'll stumble upon in the first few months of your baby's life is teething. I know, you've heard horror stories and a billion different ways to deal with it. But as you know, every baby is different and not everyone experiences the same things as the next. But here are a few ways we handled it and hopefully, you can find some relief in it too!
1. Nursing: if you're nursing, don't be afraid to stop just because your baby starts teething. To be honest, I only ever got "bit" once or twice and it wasn't until he was much older. Teething can actually be a great way to soothe your baby and take their mind off of the pain for the time being.

3. Cold wash cloth: This is exactly what it sounds like; run a washcloth under cold water and let baby chew and suck on it. We also used teething rings but the wash cloth seemed to be more popular with him. While teething, babies will try and put everything and anything in their mouth to ease the pain so feel feee to try a few different things to find what works best.
4. Teething tablets: Basically, you stick them under their tongue and they dissolve. We also only used these a time or two and to be honest, I don't really know if they worked. There are also a lot of mixed reviews on using these so if you're considering it, I would check with your pediatrician just to be safe.
5. Chewbeads: This was possibly my favorite accessory when it came to teething; a "necklace" for me and a teether for him! They come in all different styles, colors, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Nolan loved this and it was a lot safer than him chewing on my other necklaces ;) The beads are 100% silicone (similar to nipples and pacifiers) BPA free, dishwasher safe, etc. You can read more about the perks on their website but I will definitely be buying more for the new baby!
There are a ton of other things out there; homemade teething biscuits, Baby Orajel, etc and the best way to find out what works best for your baby is trial and error. I promise, it's not as bad as everyone makes it seem and you will get through it.And on a side note, don't compare your baby to everyone else's baby and how their teeth are coming in. Nolan saw a pediatric dentist around one and she told me that his teeth were coming in slower than normal and not to be concerned. She said they actually prefer it that way; it gives the teeth time to make it to their correct place in the mouth and lessens the pain of everything coming in all at once and getting squished in there. If you're concerned, certainly talk to a dentist but just because Joe Schmoe's kid has four teeth and your kid only has one, doesn't mean anything is wrong :)
A big thank you to Kaitlyn for having me here today and I would love for you all to stop by and say hello sometime :) Good luck!
Do you have any helpful blog posts about Teething? If so, we would love you to link up below (: