From PR Pro to Blogger to the Blink of an Eye!

Posted on the 07 June 2013 by Latinaprpro @latinaprpro

Image courtesy of Heemalaya

A year ago today, I would have never thought that I would be doing what I am doing right now.
I went from being fully focused on my 15 year PR career, to committing myself to growing my blogger network, while blogging more to gain visibility for both myself and the network.
While I looked for signs to guide my road ahead, I finally receive not one, not two, but several signs that I am the right track.  One being the opportunity to write for the oldest national Hispanic magazine and interview music icon Natalie Cole.
*Insert giggly teenage face*
Besides the fact that I am interviewing a living legend, I will, for the first time in more than 15 years, have a byline (instead of ghost writing for a client).
If you have only blogged and every job you have done you receive credit for, you may not understand the grandiose feeling this gives me.  While every publicist and behind-the-scenes professional will understand how huge of an opportunity this is.
Mostly because I have a career that day in, and day out, I will rarely, if ever, receive credit for anything done on behalf of a client.  Unless, of course, something bad happens.  (But that's a story for another day)
Let me repeat myself: I will have a byline.  My name, my experience, my background, my work, will finally have my name attached to it.
I will finally receive credit for my work....and I can gloat, scream, shout and clap as much as I want because it's OK.  I'm allowed, for the first time in 15 years to celebrate me, not a client.
Damn, it feels pretty darn amazing.