
Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Ileodarod @ilevillegas

frou·frou also frou-frou n.1. Fussy or showy dress or ornamentation.2. A rustling sound, as of silk.

If there's one thing I really love, it's the feel of the wind on my cheeks as the afternoon sun warms me up. It makes me wonder how it was like on the first day the sun has shone on the face of the earth.  Has the sun and the wind been a tandem since the beginning, making smitten girls like me sigh? 

The wind is a fascinating thing.You cannot see it but you can hear it and feel it, just like a distant memory.It can touch you in poignant ways, bringing you back to special places.
And just as quickly as the changing of the wind, the memory dissolves, replaced by another.The wind reminds me that one mustn't hold on to the past, the same way that one ought to not catch the wind. 

And why worry about the future?Look at the flowers of the fields, which wonderfully and magnificently dressed. But while they blossom beautifully now, tomorrow they are sure to wilt and die. Yet their short lives does not keep them from showing their radiance today.

There is so much that a single day holds. It is such a shame to taint each moment with the shadows of the past and worries about tomorrow.

How can you fill your heart with happiness if you are still keeping sorrow, regret, fear and bitterness in some hidden crevices?At times it is better to let go. You won't realize how heavy your unnecessary baggage is until you let go.

But what is happiness anyway?Happiness can be very fragile and is often at the mercy of circumstances.Can a person be truly happy in a world that not only offers sunshine, but also thunderstorms?

Yes. I believe we can be happy if we choose to.We can choose not to be victims of circumstances.
We can choose to learn from the past instead of simply allowing its shadow to loom over us.And instead of cowering in fear of the challenges in the future, we can choose to let it inspire us.
After all, to have a future, no matter how uncertain it is, is to be alive.

And life is meant to be beautiful.I believe that is what the sunlight is telling us.And what the colors of the flowers are for.

Inspired by Froufrou Collection by Color Elation Cosmetics

Thanks for reading!