Every now and then, you realize that God really does have a plan, and all of a sudden, things start making sense. Or you have a sort of "epiphany." Or your heart swells with love and you feel like you might burst with gratitude. As you may have guessed, this happened to me the other day as I was thinking about Brailey and dancing and volleyball. Ironically, volleyball led us to the best dance instructor she's ever had. Through all those years of volleyball, we met one family in particular that we really fell in love with, The Reeves. We are so excited that both of our girls will be freshman at the same school for the first year ever. So exciting! Finally, Brailey and Nikki can be together. Denise, the mom, used to be a dancer herself, and their daughter Alonna, who just graduated from high school, used to dance with Roshny, the owner of The Dance Factory. When it became apparent that Brailey needed more instruction in her dance technique, I looked all over town for lessons and ballet classes. But something told me to check in with Roshny, and it is one of the best decisions we ever made. Her instruction was fun, kind, caring and so clear to Brailey that she made amazing strides in her dancing. Life really does come full circle, sometimes.
Just this week, we made another full circle discovery. Her high school dance coach said she needed to keep a straighter back during her pliers. We were showing our riding instructor, Pasty, this move, just talking about dancing and relaxing and as soon as Patsy saw her do the move on land, she said, "That's exactly what you need to do when you're riding!" It was a powerful moment, because it made sense to all three of us. And so now when Brailey is doing pliers, she can think, "Sit!" She can pretend she is riding her horse. And when she is riding her horse, she can think about her pliers. Full circles. They can be powerful, when you realize them.
These pictures are from some of the lessons Brailey had with Roshny this summer. They are fun, because you can see the improvement as they progress. We are so grateful for all we learned from her, and frankly, I am thrilled to my toes that we can mesh the dance and riding. I love full circles.