Fun Activities for Baby {Guest Post by Jamie}

Posted on the 22 November 2011 by Ourlittlecorner @ourcornerblog
Jamie from For The Love Of Cupcakes is guest posting here today. She's written a great post on fun activities to do with your baby and toddler!! Please be sure to stop by Jamie's blog and say HI!

Hello everyone!  What do YOU do with your babies / toddlers during their awake time?  Do you have activities that you like to do everyday?
One of the main things I am trying to work on as a new parent is interacting more with my almost-1-year old baby.  I know how important it is, but there is SO much to do during the day that I tend to get caught up.  It's something I'm self conscious about and so I'm working on it.
Also, since I am was a teacher, you might think this would come naturally for me; it doesn't.  So I've been tinkering around on the internet, searching for ideas.  I'm also pulling from my experience and thinking about things I used to do with my students.  I have a BA in Elementary Education (with a minor in English Language and Literature) and have worked as a Pre-K teacher, a Kindergarten teacher, and a School-age teacher / Floater at a Daycare center.
So here's what I've come up with so far.  I hope this helps you.  I would LOVE comments letting me know what activities YOU do at home!
* Some Infant Curriculum: Pamm's House
* Tape Bright Pictures on the Floor or low on the Wall where Baby can see it.  Examples: shapes, people, seasonal things.

* Carpet Squares with different Textures for Baby to Feel

This all the same texture but it would look like this.

 * Time in and around her Jumparoo

This was mainly my baby's idea... she made a Fort!

* Puppet Shows with her Stuffed Animals and such.
* Baby Sign Language.  Here's the words we've been working on: Mommy, Daddy, Milk, More, All Done, Diaper.  So far she hasn't done any of these back.
* Reading... well, letter identification... which is probably too soon, but it's something to do.  I have some flash cards with letters and animals that I show her sometimes.
* Read Aloud to your Little One!!  This is sooo important!

* Sing Songs & Dance Parties - Pandora Disney Channel!
* TAKE WALKS around the block!  Baby learns so much just looking around outside. (3 Days a week, go to the park)

* Walk her around the house and point out objects, saying their names.
* Talk non-sense, narrate what you're doing.  I do this when cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up... this way, I can get some stuff done, but still be stimulating the Little Precious.
* Practice crawling, practice walking, practice standing, etc (depending on where your child is developmentally).  My baby has started clapping so we practice that too.  :o)
Make sure there is time in your day, for your baby to explore on his/her own without being stimulated.  I don't want to constantly be stimulating my Cupcakes but I also don't want her to be playing by herself too much.  It's a delicate balance and it's something to continually work on and change.
Here's how you can keep track of meals:

Source: via Jamie on Pinterest