Hello everyone! What do YOU do with your babies / toddlers during their awake time? Do you have activities that you like to do everyday?
One of the main things I am trying to work on as a new parent is interacting more with my almost-1-year old baby. I know how important it is, but there is SO much to do during the day that I tend to get caught up. It's something I'm self conscious about and so I'm working on it.
Also, since I
So here's what I've come up with so far. I hope this helps you. I would LOVE comments letting me know what activities YOU do at home!
* Some Infant Curriculum: Pamm's House
* Tape Bright Pictures on the Floor or low on the Wall where Baby can see it. Examples: shapes, people, seasonal things.
* Carpet Squares with different Textures for Baby to Feel
This all the same texture but it would look like this.
* Time in and around her Jumparoo
This was mainly my baby's idea... she made a Fort!
* Puppet Shows with her Stuffed Animals and such.
* Baby Sign Language. Here's the words we've been working on: Mommy, Daddy, Milk, More, All Done, Diaper. So far she hasn't done any of these back.
* Reading... well, letter identification... which is probably too soon, but it's something to do. I have some flash cards with letters and animals that I show her sometimes.
* Read Aloud to your Little One!! This is sooo important!
* Sing Songs & Dance Parties - Pandora Disney Channel!
* TAKE WALKS around the block! Baby learns so much just looking around outside. (3 Days a week, go to the park)
* Walk her around the house and point out objects, saying their names.
* Talk non-sense, narrate what you're doing. I do this when cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up... this way, I can get some stuff done, but still be stimulating the Little Precious.
* Practice crawling, practice walking, practice standing, etc (depending on where your child is developmentally). My baby has started clapping so we practice that too. :o)
Make sure there is time in your day, for your baby to explore on his/her own without being stimulated. I don't want to constantly be stimulating my Cupcakes but I also don't want her to be playing by herself too much. It's a delicate balance and it's something to continually work on and change.
Here's how you can keep track of meals:
Source: millerhappilyeverafter.blogspot.com via Jamie on Pinterest