Fun Days

Posted on the 19 July 2013 by Jfay1995
Yay, It's.Friday.  Short and sweet today.  It's a hot one, and I am hoping for a few more yard sales.  I love it when you find what you want.  Saw a cute little table for cheap that could have been cool to redo but had to think its going to be an extra thing to move and its furniture. 
Watched some good movies.  Save the Last Dance was good.  Don't you love dance movies?  I liked one with Anthony Banderas in it a while ago.  He teaches kids how to ballroom dance.  Kids from the wrong side of the tracks. 
Fridays always kickstart a fun weekend.  Hmmmm......snacks, movies, and other fun stuff. 
It's fun driving around finding the sales, but I do hate it when you are led astray and no sale on sight.  Also its a letdown if you get to it and its all baby stuff and just nothing you need. 
Jennifer Jo Fay
Copyrighted July 18, 2013
Fun Days
using this green yarn for a new project.