Fun in the Sun and Brailey's Art Show
Posted on the 09 June 2015 by Rodeomurrays4
Am I behind on my blog posts? Considering the picture of the kiddos in the yard was from two Sundays ago, I would say YES! But not to worry - I'm about to get caught up this week. And last week was a major week with lots of excitement, so there is a ton to catch up on! Ohhhhhh mama!
The hot weather hadn't even really hit us, yet, in the picture below. But Britt loves water - you may have guessed. He begged his sister to have a water gun fight with him, so she did. It went from the water guns to the bucket to the hose, and ended up being a "spa treatment," with her washing his hair and putting rose petals on his back. Even on mist, hose water is cold! Britt loved every second of it, though - he will do anything for his big sister!
And then, it was Brailey's school Art and Music Show. She was so lucky to be in the year-long art class, and it was her absolute favorite! It was a joy to watch her show me all her work. She was very proud, and rightfully so! I was just as proud! It was a really nice event, full of all the artwork in the courtyard, and then the bands and choir played in the gym. They also had a silent auction and raffle. We tried to win a couple of items, but had no luck. Still, it was a lovely event!
I caught the pictures above and below before she was able to pose. Can you see the pride in her precious face? I loved watching her show me all her work - it was fun to see her so excited.
And then we ran into her art teacher, who is also the Yearbook adviser, and she was happy to tell me how much she enjoys Brailey. I love it when teachers gush about my kiddos - what mother wouldn't?! Brailey has been on her Yearbook Crew for two years, now, and will hopefully work on it next year, as well. Ms. Kronsor is a fabulous teacher, the kind you dream of having in middle school for your kid, and we feel really blessed that Brailey was lucky enough to get in to her classes.
This ice cream cone was her favorite project, and it turned out SO CUTE! It looks so real, we all want to eat it! Below, she and two of her very best friends, Ellie and Elleot - they were playing in the band.
We tried to win this bench in the raffle, but had no luck. We also tried to win a really cool set of art that was a bulletin board mix, perfect for Brailey's room, done by a student, but we had to leave before the auction was over, and we weren't successful. So now, we are hoping Brailey can make something similar next year, if she is lucky enough to be placed in art again. Our fingers are crossed, because this girl loves art, and she not only learned a lot, she is good at it. Art is one of those things - you either have it or you don't!