Click this link to see some of the exciting activities on offer.
I've already planned my trip:
12pm - 1pm I will be watching the Chinese State Theatre warm up in The Lyric Theatre.
At 1.30pm I'll be watching the Dinosaurs and Lost World events in the events area at The Lowry.
And at 2.30pm I'll be doing the 'Unlocking Salford Quay's Tour'.
In between all that I'll be checking out what treats Children's BBC have on offer.
Talking of the BEEB, you can now book onto special behind the scenes tours. Apparently you get to take part in your own television production in their interactive studio. - I've just booked mine. Well, it was either that or go on Mastermind! Specialist chosen subject 'Duran Duran'! Click here for the link.
So what are you waiting for? If you are really lucky, you might even get to see some celebrities - or me!
See you there x