Now look, I’m a Trump Republican. A proud one at that. I like the guy. As crass and indelicate as he might be, he fights for me and those I care for. Even those I don’t care for. And frankly, when he says he’s going to ‘bomb the shit out of some foreign enemy’, I find that far more presidential than bowing and scraping before some foreign leader who would rather see the U.S. bombed to oblivion.
So yeah, that’s makes a smelly, rank deplorable who just so happened to shell out some pretty decent coin to stay four nights at his Central Park West Hotel last week. Why? Sisters’ weekend . We wanted to see to NYC at Christmas.
As for the hotel? It’s lovely. Very tasteful and with creative uses of Carrera marble everywhere. Very little gold as one might think. The staff is kind and extremely courteous. For guests, the word “no” is never uttered , but you better have bucks to pay for it. But that’s true in any posh NYC hotel, There were some issues with the bill upon check out but they were quickly corrected..
The lobby is very small, and nothing purchasable in the hotel is by any means cheap including the food which is said to be Michelin rated. I’m assuming that’s the tire company, right? Definitely NOT delectable.
In spite of the hotel hiccups, I wanted to support the man who’s helped made my portfolio significantly larger in recent weeks.
I sincerely like Trump and cheer him onward and after watching six to seven hours of Horowitz making the very biased FBI look like criminal idiots and that lying dog Comey look like Adam Schiff’s taller, uglier, less masculine stepsister, I appreciate him even more. If I’m a Deplorable then myopic, unrelenting Dems are Despicables.
So there.
However, as a former comedy writer, funny is funny and when I saw this, I laughed out loud. Let’s hear it for Photoshop.
Lindsay Graham is by far the hottest.