Diaries Magazine

Funny How a Melody Sounds Like a Memory

Posted on the 07 March 2012 by Wduprey33 @25by20five

I really wish that I loved music.  That sounds bizarre-trust me I know, but it’s entirely true.  I wish that I was someone who has a deep, pure connection with music.  Unfortunately it’s just not the case.  Don’t get me wrong, I listen to music-love me some country, but my tastes are generally pretty shallow-if they play it on the radio I’ll listen to it, otherwise I’ll probably never know it existed.  I’m nothing like my friend Katie who has an entire website dedicated to bands she loves/discovered/interviewed (http://jackinthepocket.com/)- if they play it on the radio-she’s definitely NOT listening to it. (Except for Brittney, I KNOW she secretly has a soft spot for Britney!)

I don’t know what it is, I’m just not one of those people who are irrevocably and irreversibly changed by a song or a band.  The written word?  Now that’s another story-I open a book and am lost to the world.  I become completely engrossed in whatever I am reading and it just takes me away.  But music?  No.  I certainly admire musicians, and wish I could play any sort of instrument or sing anywhere near on tune, but I can’t put my headphones on and get swept away by the beat and the lyrics-I usually fall asleep.

I love the thought of being curled up on my couch on a rainy day, lazing about while strands of music dance through the air, enticing my mind and emotions.  It’s a very pretty picture.  I can see it perfectly; I’d be wearing a drapey gray sweater-and lets be honest, I’m rocking leggins too (and my ancient LL Bean slippers), my hair falling around my shoulders, with a soft, natural light flowing in through the windows.  The music would be something soft and low, a singer crooning lyrics that speak directly to my soul.    My eyes are closed and I’m lost in the world of the music, gently humming along.

Nope.  Not ever going to happen.  That’s ok, maybe in my next life.  That being said, even though all of you who know me know music isn’t “my thing”, there is a song (that I heard on the radio-obviously) that has recently caught my attention.  It is Springsteen by Eric Church.  There is one line in particular that stands out to me, “funny how a melody, sounds like a memory, like a soundtrack to a July Saturday night…”  And it got me thinking about memories.

Scientists say that scent is the strongest sense tied to memories-and I’m not arguing with them.  I swear that the air at Chautauqua Lake is different from any air I’ve ever breathed before, and every once and a while, I will get caught in a breeze that smells like Chautauqua, and the memories start flooding in.  True story.  But I started to wonder if maybe sound was the second strongest sense tied to memories, particularly songs. I wondered if melodies really did sound like memories.

So I started thinking to myself, do I have any particular songs that are tied to memories?  Turns out, I sure do.  Lots of them.  Once I started listing them I couldn’t stop, and found myself overwhelmed by the number of melodies I associated with memories.

If someone like me, who really is not a “music person” has so many memories that are connected to songs, I can’t imagine how many someone who loves music would have. Maybe sound memories are actually stronger than scent memories.  Do you have any songs with specific memories attached to them?  If so, what song?  And what was the memory?

Here’s a short list of songs linked to some of my memories.  If we’ve ever met then I’m sure you can figure out at least one of the memory/melody combos (I’m just listing the songs, it would be too embarrassing/much information/long of a post to list all the memories as well!) And if we haven’t ever met-you can have fun guessing!   Fair warning-many of the songs are pretty cheesy/terrible…no judging!

Melodies that sound like Memories

It’s Tricky- Run DMC

With You- Jessica Simpson

Summer Sunshine- The Corrs

Crazy- KC and JoJo

Comin’ Home- Tim McGraw

Strawberry Wine- Dena Carter

Neon- John Mayer

Single Ladies- Beyonce

I’m in Love With a Stripper- T-Pain

Fast Cars- Tracy Chapman

Hit Me Baby One More Time- Britney Spears

Build Me Up Buttercup- The Foundations

Party in the USA- Miley Cyrus

Falling For You- Colbie Caillat

Hey Soul Sister- Train

Mele Kalikimaka- Jimmy Buffett

Thanks for reading! Xo Whitney

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