I think I am suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. How can one person be the Macbeth of Shakespeare, Arjun of the Mahabharata and Ron Weasley of the Potter series, simultaneously, without also being insane?
I really doubt that I could be Macbeth. I have never yet manage to murder any of my bosses in his bed, while he was a guest at my home (or anywhere else, thank you very much! I appreciate your generous efforts to stretch my favorite neck). Primarily because I never yet managed to get any of them to be my guest, I suppose. They, though, have different ideas (like Dhoni? Perhaps!) - "Why would you run the risk of hanging, by murdering us, when you know that it is only a matter of time before you either drive us insane or drive us to suicide?"
As for Arjun, I really hope he does not hear of this comparison. Even the people who reveled in comparing him to Karna, to his (Arjun's) detriment, would have drawn the line at making an comparisons with me. I think, though, that this comparison must be about the level of concentration that he is supposed to have shown and which I possess too. So what if his concentration was when he was indulging in archery and mine was in sleeping?
And Ron Weasley? I would not wish myself on any Hermione Granger. Though, as a matter of fact, this comparison comes close to the truth. Like Ron, I would have married a woman who was more intelligent than me - if I had married, that is. After all, it is very difficult for any woman to be less intelligent than me and still be called human.
Though, to go by the quick estimates of my IQ, it is 134. I must remind myself to send this information to everyone who knows me - especially those who had the misfortune to teach me. I am sure they must all be in need of a good laugh. As for my being 70% an analytic thinker and 30% a creative thinker, that is probably all right. It does not matter how you slice and dice zero, it all comes to the same thing anyway.
There is one thing, though, that restores my faith in all these online tests. I have a very high Emotional Quotient, as I always knew. So, I DO understand people and am a great people person. Anybody, who has met me once, avoids me like the plague from then on and I always knew that the problem was only with the rest of the world and not with me. And, see, I was right!
But, tell me, what is this about 'What color am I?" Basically, I am brown shading off to black but I can turn green, when I see other people's writing praised; red, when someone pans my writing; and other colors of the rainbow as appropriate to the situation. So, what is with fixing me up with one color?
AND - what number am I? Ye Gods!
I think it is about time I stopped playing these games.
I, hereby, resolve to stop taking these online quizzes.
What was that?
"How likely are you to keep resolutions? Click to play"