Diaries Magazine

Gathering Reds and Browns [Be Still 52]

Posted on the 13 October 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

Gathering Reds and Browns [Be Still 52]

Textured with Mudding by Kim Klassen - blendmode overlay 25%.

I took a basket with me to the park Sunday afternoon - and I came back home with all the colors and scents of fall! Two candles are waiting to be set to the tin dish together with these finds from my walk ... To lighten up the dark evenings.

Inspired by Kim Klassens Still Life 52-course, I took a close look on the leaves, berries and branches, laid them on the table and tried to make a collage. Yet, it was only the red and brown colors, that captured my attention. As I found these browny, curly leaves under the bush, I took some photos of them already in the park, as they were swirling around the thin branches - these leaves have such a delightful form! 

Gathering Reds and Browns [Be Still 52]
Kim Klassen is teaching us in the classroom how to make a triptych template in Lightroom - her tutorial videos are guiding us smoothly through the different options ... And above you see my first template made in Lightroom - Thank you Kim!

I have used Kim's Moodswing Lightroom preset on the photos above - I like the contrast and the vintage-like feeling they give to the photos.We're having Fall Break this week - It's funny how the Fall Break arrives each autumn exactly at the right time ... When we most need it. I am welcoming the slow mornings and late breakfasts with the family... And what is even better - My mom is coming over to visit us later this week! 

The less good news is that our eldest son has had an aggressive viral infection in his eye over a week now: His right eye is very sensitive to light, and the infection is causing pain in and around the eye. As the new medicine has not caused any positive change, we need to see the doctor again tomorrow... I hope he will be getting better soon!

Life is like the river,sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere.Emma Smith

:  :  : ... I hope your week is filled withsmiles and sunshine,Nina

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