On this occasion - I was genuinely touched by the website I was looking at.
I'm not over-reacting when I say that I genuinely fell in love with everything about the website.
Firstly let me introduce the website to you and then I'll explain what I love so much about it....
www.BigHugsFrom.co.uk is a website that sells unique and personalised gifts that are perfect for occasions such as christenings, communions, new arrivals, etc.
Nothing unusual about that, you may think - and you'd be right.
What struck me was not only the lovely website design and the quality and choice of the items available, but more so the story behind the company and the thoughtful and charming names given to the individual ranges....
BigHugsFrom was started by Barbara - Barbara is a mother herself, to both birth children and adopted children, and she felt passionately that ALL children needed to be celebrated with the same joy no matter how they arrived into their families lives.
Barbara states on her website that every child is a blessing and should be welcomed into their families with big hugs - as Barbara so eloquently puts it "there are different kinds of hugs - tiny delicate hugs for brand new babies, forever hugs, journey hugs, grown up hugs, etc".
When Barbara gave birth to her daughter Poppy she was overwhelmed with flowers, gifts and cards welcoming the new arrival and congratulating her - a feeling all mothers will remember fondly and most people will have gone out to purchase new baby cards & gifts for their friends at some stage in their lives.
But Barbara was already a mother to adopted sons - and although she had received carefully selected cards and gifts welcoming them, it became apparent to her that their was no real choice available when wanting to appropriately mark the occasion of a newly adopted member of a family or a new step-child, etc.
As Barbara states "Yes our adopted children have birth dates, but they also have other relevant dates - they have "In Our Arms" dates (when we first met) and "Ours Forever" dates (when we legally adopted them).
Reading the story of Barbara's adoption of her two sons moved me to tears - there is so much evil in the world and to know that there are these wonderful, happy occasions taking place across the world where children in need of parents and parents in need of children are joined together to share their lives is just so wonderful.
I personally have always wanted to adopt, and although I am sure the process won't be easy I am determined to fulfill my ambition in the future. My birth son has arrived before I have properly looked into adoption but this doesn't put me off in any way. I still fully intend to try to adopt in the future.
To read Barbara's story have a look here: http://www.bighugsfrom.co.uk/about-big-hugs-1-w.asp
And so, moving on to the gifts for sale on the Big Hugs From website....
The gifts are broken down into 6 categories, including my own favourites:
The Tiny Hugs section - for welcoming a newborn baby - includes personalised blankets and the birth celebration candle.
New Beginnings Hugs - for welcoming a newly adopted child - including items such as blankets personalised with phrases like "Wanted Forever" and "New Beginnings".
I think these ranges are stunning and the sentiment behind them is even more lovely.
Barbara was kind enough to send a Tiny Hugs blanket for Tyne...take a look:
The blanket is of exceptional quality and is embroidered with a cute little elephant and Tyne's name, date of birth and weight.
This is such a beautiful keepsake which we will treasure for years to come, and would make such a wonderful welcoming gift for a new baby.
I loved the personal touches of the beautiful Big Hugs From label and the attached message from Barbara!
This blanket is available from Big Hugs From for £30.00, which I think is a very reasonable price for such a high quality item - and with FREE DELIVERY on all items you really can't grumble!
I personally can't recommend this delightful website highly enough and I know they will certainly be my first stop for all welcoming gifts from now on - no matter what way the child is arriving!
To see more of this site, please go to www.bighugsfrom.co.uk
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