As I’m sure we’re all aware. There’s been a bit of a parade of revelations of the truly awful variety. For some they’ve been soul-shaking shocks, for others they’re confirmation of long-known but hidden truths.
They’re also a reminder to cherish the good. That’s not to say that we should do anything but support the bravery of those coming forward and continue to work for actual change. I mean only that we can’t let the bad consume us because then the bad wins.
The importance of decompressing, seeing the good in the world and others, and having fun, has never been more clear. So today, which also happens to be Happy Hour Day (because there is no shortage of random holidays), I hope we all have the chance to take an hour for happy, whether that involves a drink or not is up to you—you do you.
I’ll get things started with a few moments that have made me smile this week, I hope they make you smile too.