…Get Mean

Posted on the 03 October 2015 by Zer @the2women


Happy Mean Girls Day! Yes, that’s right, October 3rd is dedicated to everyone’s favorite Tina Fey and Lindsey Lohan collaboration, “Mean Girls.”


Well, not that there needs to be a reason, but if you need one, there is this brief mention of the date from the film.

So, how does one celebrate Mean Girls Day? There doesn’t seem to be a clear answer to that, other than the obvious — watch the film. However, I have a less obvious suggestion.

Why not use this day to bring awareness to the kind of behavior this film warns against. Yes, I said it. The message of this film is not “boo, you whore,” or “on Wednesdays we wear pink.” 

It’s about teaching young women that we’re all on the same side. Treating eachother as enemies or competition needs to stop. We all have our own battles and struggles, one of them should not be constantly fighting eachother.

So, ladies, definitely take a moment today to thank the women who support you, and make your life better. Buy also take a moment to show some kindness to those who may not have been so supportive. They may not surprise you, but you never know.

And on that note, I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your Mean Girls Day!

More on the Story: TIME

…just for fun: