…get on Board

Posted on the 21 October 2014 by Zer @the2women

I have some big news: The future is here.

Well, the future that “Back to the Future” fans were expecting. The hoverboard promised to us in “Back to the Future: Part II,” is here, and it is about time. Or should I say, just in time.

After all, that future society to which Marty McFly and Doc Brown journey in the sequel is 2015. It’s not quite the glorious pink Mattel product that we were all hoping for, and is still looking for funding, but let’s not get greedy, it works (except on water…and non-metal surfaces).

This is a good start, but we only have a couple of months left to get going on self-tying laces, food hydrators, self-adjusting/self-drying clothing, and more. As for flying cars, DeLorean or otherwise, I have to agree with Elon Musk on this one, they can stay in the realm of science fiction. They’re an awesome idea in theory, but the reality is a terrifying thought.

As for that Cubs’ World Series victory…it’s only a movie guys…


Gizmodo: Engineers create real Back to the Future hoverboard and it really works

…bi-daily smile…