Get Running [to the Pats Game]

Posted on the 09 October 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

I had big plans on Sunday to go grocery shopping, make Coconut Curry Beef and organize my meals for the week so I can eat a more meat, veggie, fruit based diet and less gluten, sugar and processed food. Well, within 2 minutes of me posting my meal plan for the week, Vinnie got a call from a friend offering us Patriots tickets! Um… yes, we will go!!
Hello. I could not and would not everrrrrr say NO to the PATSSSS! 

So, instead of going to the grocery store and preparing for the week, we drove down to Gillette stadium. Sometimes you have to adapt! [honestly, that is one of the hardest things with my diet. We are never home or in one place, so it makes it really hard to plan and eat well because I am always on the go.] We arrived in Foxboro around 2pm for a 4:30 kick off. Even though there was a serious threat of ran, all the hard core fans were out and tailgating was in full effect!

We walked around Patriots Place  and got a drink and some soup at Tastings before heading to our seats.

It started to rain before the game, so I was super nervous I was going to freeze the whole game, but the weather cleared and it turned out to be a great night. The game was intense but we won!

We couldn’t leave the stadium without getting a sausage and peppers! Vinnies favorite ballgame treat!

It was a really nice surprise Sunday activity! It was also really fun to go to the game with Vinnie. I feel like a lot of times when you go to sporting events, there is a lot of emphasis on drinking and buying a lot of food and beer. Vinnie and I didn’t even buy a drink in the stadium. Why spend $10 for a Bud Light? And, it was really nice to not feel that pressure to drink and eat. We enjoyed each others company and had a great time without all that other stuff!

Part of the reason the Pats game was so surprising was because I was out running when Vinnie got the news that we could get tickets! Luckily, I had my phone with me, so he texted me and I quickly hustled home! I was so happy I got a run in and  managed to stay on track with my pre-Boston Marathon training.
The past two weeks I have stayed on track and followed my training program.

I started two weeks ago and have managed to complete every scheduled run. If I miss one day, I have made it up another. This coming weekend will be hard because Vinnie and I are going up to UNH for Homecoming! Neither of us went to UNH, but it is always a really fun Fall weekend and we have tons of friends up there! I might have to do 2 runs in one day in order to get all the mileage in… we will see!

Go Pats! Happy Running!