…get Sérieux

Posted on the 10 July 2018 by Zer @the2women

It's semi-final time, football fans, and if you still think I'm talking about this 🏈, just walk away. Slowly. You don't want to hurt yourself.

Today, France and Belgium face off in the first of the World Cup semi-final matches and things are getting, in a word, sérieux. Just the perfect sort of sentiment for some #TuesdayMotivation.

Sure, statistically speaking, you probably haven't been watching the World Cup (#fail, America), but let's glean today's inspiration from those who have (aka the rest of the world who live and die by football...this one ⚽...).

I mean, look at that intensity. That take generations of fierce loyalty to achieve and dedication.

I know we try, but there's just no comparison...

So, while I have been all about tuning in and paying attention to this international sporting event, if you haven't heeded that suggestion, it may be best to just sit quietly in the corner until the dust has settled. Probably literally...lots and lots of diving.

So as the semi-finals kick off later today, take note of our neighbors and start warming up. The Women's World Cup is less than a year away.

...bi-daily smile...