…get the Memo

Posted on the 21 May 2018 by Zer @the2women

Today we celebrate a very particular day of note, but first, I’ll give you a moment to grab a pen and paper. You’re going to want to jot this down.

It’s National Memo Day! And it feels like the perfect motivation to get us all started on the right foot this Monday.

Never underestimate the power of a memo.

Of course, anyone who’s seen “Office Space” knows the memo can be as foreboding and disruptive as it can be helpful and informative.

So as we all start a new week I think it’s worth remembering the impact of our words and the care we should all take in choosing them.

Whether crafting a memo, a note, an email, a Tweet, or just good, old-fashioned speaking, remember that your word choice can change everything (for better or worse).

It’s an extraordinary amount of power, which of course comes with an equal amount of responsibility (the rules of Spider-Man).

So, this Monday, may we all get the memo and choose our words (for memos or otherwise) with the care they deserve.

…bi-daily smile…
