…Get The Scoop

Posted on the 31 March 2015 by Zer @the2women

In the campaign to achieve true equality between men and women, there have been many villains. However, the latest one might surprise you — Ben and Jerry.

It seems while they’ve been working hard to achieve ice cream perfection, gender equality has not been one of their ingredients.

According to a recent Buzzfeed article, out of the more than 20 flavors named after people, only two are named after women — “Liz Lemon’s Greek Frozen Yogurt” and “Hannah Teter’s Maple Blondie.

That’s less than 10 percent (yes, I did do that math in my head), and one of them isn’t even a real person. While I assume it’s been unintentional, it’s also really kind of sad.

I know, it may seem trivial. After all, how much can a few ice cream flavors do to change a cultural mindset? Well, considering how much Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is consumed in a year, I think the impact might be more than you might expect.

More on the Story: NPR

…just for fun: