Getting Myself Together
Posted on the 14 November 2012 by Nesheaholic
This picture is not necessarily related to this post. I just happened to find it in one of my folders. Remember when Facebook used to have flair boards? This was mine.
I'm trying to send myself into a whirlwind of personal and professional development My goal is to be a better person in any way that I can be.
PROFESSIONAL- I just came back from the National Arts Marketing Project Conference which has totally jump-started my professional growth. I want to continue to learn whenever/wherever I can, and grow in my field.
BLOG- I've reached out to the lovely Angie of Lariats and Lavender about redesigning the blog.
- I'm currently participating in DigiWriMo
ACTING- I'll be getting new headshots taken in December
- There is an agent who said she'd like to take me on in lieu of updating my headshots, so hopefully that will happen in the near future
- I've joined a casting network so I can actively purse more auditions and extra/background work
- I'm starting a 6 week acting class tonight!
THINGS THAT NEED WORK- Eating correctly - I know what I should be eating (fruits, veggies, water, and protein), and what I shouldn't be eating (sweets, processed foods), I just need to get back on track with actually following that! We did recently purchase a juicer so I need to get in a juicing habit as well.
- Exercising - I haven't been able to afford keeping my personal trainer, and have slacked off. Time to get back on the train and self motivate in lieu of not having a trainer right now.
What are you doing for YOUR professional or personal growth?