Getting The Family Outside

Posted on the 30 September 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Getting the kids outside can be a tricky task at the best of times. With constant indoor distractions like iPads and Playstations, it can be almost impossible to get the kids off the sofa and into the garden to be active. 
As we go into the colder months, this is a problem that simply gets harder and harder to solve. One time you can be sure they’ll want to go outside is bonfire night. Whilst it’s ingrained in kids from an early age to not play with fire, they are still drawn to it, so having a bonfire in the garden will definitely get them up and about!  For a more everyday approach, consider investing in a fire pit from the likes of BeGardenHappy so that you can have mini-fires and cook outside even when it is slightly cooler.
We all know that kids love games. Normally these days, they’re electronic. But things like playing conkers are becoming a bit of a lost art.  However, in the Autumn the conkers are ready, and kids will just need to be shown once how to have a conker war to get started! 
If they get really into it, there’s even the World Conker Championships coming up that you can go along to! There’s plenty of fun outdoors games to play in the autumn beyond conkers. Have fun with piles of leaves or in muddy puddles, or better still in the snow when that eventually comes. 
Remember, they may be getting messy, but at least they’re up and exercising outdoors!
Another way to get the whole family outside in the autumn months is to take a guided walk. There are plenty of ghost and history walks in most towns, but if you’re in London the Jack The Ripper Walk comes highly recommended. Kids often just need a little stimulation, or a purpose to take a walk, and something fun like a guided walk that’s got plenty of stories is a great place to start.  These are often better when the nights get a little darker, as you can go at a decent time, but still get the spooky effect.
Halloween is a great time to get outside with trick or treating becoming ever more popular here in the UK.  Sending the kids out to trick or treat has often been frowned upon, and seen as am American past-time. However, as it increases in popularity, streets are being designated ‘safe zones’ for trick or treaters, where the residents know what to expect, and often decorate the street in a spooky way.  It’s great fun for the kids, and safe if organised well. 
Consider getting some Rock Salt to ensure that the ground isn’t slippy if it does get particularly cold for instance! It’s still best to go with them to keep an eye on them, and to set some ground rules around the tricks to make sure everyone has a safe evening! 
But best of all, they’ll be outside in the fresh air, getting some much needed exercise!
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