Getting to Know YOU!

Posted on the 04 April 2012 by Wduprey33 @25by20five


You read this blog, so I already know you’re pretty awesome, but it occurred to me the other day, that’s all I know about you.  If I can have a moment to sound slightly brag-y, 25 by Twenty five has 100+ followers, and averages 300+ views a day, and I can very honestly, with no shame what so ever, say that I do not have that many friends!

I know some of you reading are family, and others friends of mine, but everyone else-who are you!?  I am incredibly fascinated by who is reading this blog, by who cares enough to get an email every time I post.  There are people in Ghana, South Africa, and China reading this blog-WHO ARE YOU?!

I’m dying to get to know you all a little better.  I swear this isn’t an incredibly pathetic attempt to get comments, I am just in awe of how many people that I don’t know personally read this blog.  It amazes me on a daily basis.  It means the world to me that you all care enough about my words to visit this site, its incredibly humbling in fact (warning: I’m rarely humble or modest so cherish this moment because you won’t see another like it for a long, long time).

By virtue of reading this blog you all know quite a bit about me, but other than the fact that you follow this blog and are therefor awesome, I’ve got nothing else to go off of-and the curiosity is driving me crazy!

So who are you?  Tell me some crazy, ridiculous, fun fact about yourself. Do you have a “life to-do list”? What’s on it? Or just tell me your name.  Anything, because I want to get to know you. Here are some random facts about me (that I haven’t blogged about yet) to get the ball rolling:

1. My middle name is Heinz but I don’t like Ketchup all that much.

2. I’m the oldest (and favorite) child of three.

3. I am in love with a dog named Jackson and spend my days plotting to steal him away from his owner.

4. I don’t like to run. Oh wait. I may have mentioned that one before.

5. Bright colored nail polish makes me inexplicably happy.

6. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be artichokes.  I love artichokes.

7.  I rode for my college’s equestrian team.

8. I don’t have an appendix.

9. Diet Coke is my drink of choice.  I prefer this over even water. Pinot Girgio comes in a close second.

10. My parents forced me to take a speed reading class when I was a kid so I can read incredibly quickly.

There ya go!  So go on, tell me a little about yourself.  Or if you don’t feel comfortable leaving a comment feel free to email me at, because I really, and truly, want to know you! And if I do know you already, feel free to share something fun with the group anyhow!

Thanks for reading! xo Whitney