1 ). Don’t talk out loud, you lower the IQ of the whole street
2 ). I speak my mind. I never mind what I speak. …. girl attitude status
3 ). How other see you, is not important…How you see yourself means everything.
4 ). Every mother on earth gave birth to child except my mother, She gave birth to Legend !
5 ). When you’re good, you’re good, when you’re awesome you’re me.
6 ). I don’t care what people think or say about me, I was not born on this earth to please everybody.
7 ). People say nothing’s impossible, but I do nothing everyday.
8 ). I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT!!
9 ). Every girls dream is to find the perfect guy, eat without getting fat, and to have a best friend who’ll stay true to her!
10 ). I’m nobody, nobody is perfect, and therefore I’m perfect. …. girl attitude status
11 ). My attitude depends on the people in front of me.
12 ). I’m not SHORT, I am just concentrated AWESOME !
13 ). The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do.
14 ). Happiness is when “Last seen at” changes to “online” and then to “typing..”
15 ). Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. …. girl attitude status
16 ). It’s just none of their damn business..
17 ). When Sum One Hates You for no reason……………..Give them a reason
18 ). Every girl wants to mean something to somebody. All it takes is a little text to show her she’s on your mind.
19 ). Status under construction of life.
20 ). Two fundamentals of cool life – Walk like you are the king OR walk like you don’t care ,who is the king. …. girl attitude status
21 ). Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
22 ). Girls who have more guys as friends than girls, go through less depression and anxiety.
23 ). I am not as dumb as you look
24 ). Come in my Heart and pay no rent.
25 ). Your whatsapp status say’s online …..If your online then why aren’t you texting me
26 ). If you’re going to talk about me behind my back, don’t smile at me to my face.
27 ). If You Agree With A Woman When She’s Wrong, Congratulations On Being Right And Wrong At The Same Time
28 ). God is really creative, I mean …just look at me ! …. girl attitude status
29 ). It’s the good girls who keep diaries;the bad girls never have the time.
30 ). The biggest slap to your enemies is your success!
31 ). It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it. …. girl attitude status
32 ). P.M.A (Positive Mental Attitude), I’m positive, I’m mental and I know I have attitude! …. girl attitude status
33 ). When I drink alcohol… Everyone says I’m alcoholic. But… When I drink Fanta.. No one says I’m fantastic
34 ). Girls problem: They love the ones that hurt them. Boys problem: They hurt the ones they love.
35 ). I’m listening. It just takes me a minute to process so much stupidity all at once!!
36 ). Don’t Copy My Style.
37 ). I text you because I want to have a conversation with you. Not to get one word answers.
38 ). When you think there is nothing left in your life,just keep working hard until you die
39 ). Stop checking my status ! Go Get A Life
40 ). If she catches me staring, at least I will know she was looking back. …. girl attitude status
41 ). A good laugh and long sleep are two best cures for anything.
42 ). Girls are like roads more the curves more the dangerous they are. …. girl attitude status
43 ). I’m shy at first, but once I’m comfortable with you get ready for some crazy shits.
44 ). If I delete your number, you’re basically deleted from my life.
45 ). Boys are great, Every girl should have one.
46 ). When you feel insulted I’m just describing you.
47 ). If you love me raise your hand & you don’t then raise your standard.!!
48 ). I’m gonna MAKE the rest of my life, the BEST of my LIFE. …. girl attitude status
49 ). Every problem comes with a solution. If it doesn’t have any solution, it’s a…………. woman
50 ). Definition of EX: Thanks for the EXperience. Our time has EXpired. Now EXit my life.
51 ). Take me as I am or watch me as I go. …. girl attitude status
52 ). Dear Mario…..I Wasted My Childhood Trying To Save Your Girlfriend.Now, you help me to save mine.
More awesome whatsapp status .
53 ). Dear boys, what is the point of giving a fake hope? Sincerely, Girls
54 ). If you don’t care, stop talking about it!
55 ). I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early.
56 ). I am a girl who needs to stay strong no matter what happens:)
57 ). I am who I am, Your approval is not needed
58 ). Every girl wants one guy to meet all her needs, while every guy wants all the girls to meet his one need. …. girl attitude status
59 ). I wish I could record my dreams and watch them later….
60 ). I talk to myself because i like dealing with a better class of people.
61 ). Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude!
62 ). I LOST the one person who thought loved me. He broke his promise and now..I just want another second chance.
63 ). I am not drunk, I am just chemically off-balanced …. girl attitude status
64 ). I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode.
65 ). Coins Always Make Sound But The Currency Notes Are Always Silent! ?that’s why i’m always Calm & Silent
66 ). You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me. …. girl attitude status
67 ). I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
68 ). If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything. …. girl attitude status
69 ). Even romeo went from being “in a relationship” to “it’s complicated”.
70 ). No status available …. girl attitude status
71 ). Keep moving! Nothing new to read…
72 ). The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
73 ). Doesn’t have an attitude…they was just born with a lot of character
74 ). People say me bad, trust me i am the worst
75 ). I am single because God is busy writing the best love story for me…
76 ). A woman has only 2 problems. 1. Nothing to waer. 2. No room for all the clothes.
77 ). God is really creative, i mean…just look at me. …. girl attitude status
78 ). Girls can survive without a boyfriend but they can’t survive without a best friend.
79 ). sorry we are having some issues right now with our push notifications and ‘last seen’ status. we are working on resolving them. …. girl attitude status
80 ). People like me great. People don’t like me great. As long as I like myself that all that matters.
81 ). The way he looked at her was the way all girls want to be looked at.
82 ). Yes I’m smiling, but you’re not the reason anymore!
83 ). If you think your opinion of me has any effect, Honey let me assure you that none of my self worth is wrapped up in what you think of me.
84 ). I’ve found the recipe for happiness. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the ingredients.
85 ). Type your status here…
86 ). Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours. …. girl attitude status
87 ). If i had a gun with two bullets and i was with hitler,bin laden and you insert your ex or your enemy’s name],i would shoot you twice.
88 ). Boys will be boys as long as there are no girls in the picture. …. girl attitude status
89 ). When i was born..Devil said..”Oh Shit..!! Competition” …. girl attitude status
90 ). I smile …Because I don’t know WHAT THE HELL is going on.
91 ). So you’re checking my status… …. girl attitude status
92 ). I dont change , i just grew up. You should try it once
93 ). When everything comes your way.. Then you are on the wrong way.
94 ). Women fall in love to stay in love forever. They don’t dump men unless they are lied to or cheated upon.
95 ). If you like me then raise your hand, if not then raise your standard.
96 ). Perfect boyfriend : Does not drink, does not smoke, does not cheat and also Does not exist …. girl attitude status
97 ). I don’t need to explain myself, I know I’m right.
98 ). Sometimes I wish I was a little baby again, because bruised knees heal faster than broken hearts
99 ). Phones are better than girlfriends, At least we can switch off.
100 ). I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here
101 ). Dear God, thanks for making me special. B-)
102 ). Why girls are not in sports?? Only 4% are playing hockey, tennis and cricket.. Bcoz . . . Other 96% are busy in playing with boys
103 ). Not always available, try your luck …. girl attitude status
104 ). Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, If you can’t laugh at yourself, CALL ME…I’LL LAUGH AT YOU.
105 ). I was only a time pass in your life but one day you will realise that the time that you passed with me was the most beautiful time you have ever spend.
106 ). I haven’t slept for 6 days, because that would be too long.
107 ). Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit ….wisdom is not putting is a fruit salad.
108 ). Just about the time when you think you can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends.
109 ). No matter how skinny, fat, ugly, or pretty. She’s a girl, and you have to respect that.
110 ). No girl want to be with a guy that can’t let other girls know he’s taken.
111 ). This girl makes me crazy. Her lips are soft like a flower, her eyes are deep like sea. And when she smiles, happiness is unleashed all around. …. girl attitude status
112 ). Only 2 phrases can change a woman’s mood: “I Love You” & “50% Off”
113 ). Please don’t get confused between my personality & my attitude My personality is who I am & my attitude depends on who you are!”
114 ). Too many teenagers are worried about love and finding it. This is the time to find yourself, who you really are and what you want to be. …. girl attitude status
115 ). I tried to be normal. Worst two minutes of my life.
116 ). LEGENDS don’t die.. I am a LIVING EXAMPLE!
117 ). I hate when people look at my phone while I’m typing. It’s not that I have something to hide…
118 ). I Like to study …. arithmetic, NO …. world history, NO …. chemistry, NO …. GIRLS, YES!!!
119 ). We all are born to die don’t feel more special than me. …. girl attitude status
120 ). I Am Not Special , I Am Just Limited Edition
121 ). Life is like photography, you use the negatives to develop.
122 ). Born with winner Quality’s
123 ). don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world
124 ). If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
125 ). Dear Girls … Guys don’t get hints. You have to be straight forward.
126 ). Don’t PLAY with Me ! Coz i know I Can PLAY Better Than You.
127 ). People laugh at me becoz i am different and i laugh becoz they all are same.
128 ). Man made money, but Money made man Mad
129 ). Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday
130 ). Sharing your problems with others doesn’t help rather people who took pity on u increases …. girl attitude status
131 ). Don’t be happy.I don’t Really forgive people,I just pretend like it’s ok and wait for my turn to destroy them. …. girl attitude status
132 ). Someone Asked me what is UR attitude…… then i simply replied… ” BEING SINGLE IS MY ATTITUDE…
133 ). Don’t hate me, just get to know me first!
134 ). I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.
135 ). A smile is the most beautiful curve on a womans body.
136 ). I am not failed, my success is just postponed.
137 ). Xcuse me, I found something under my shoes. Oh its your attitude.
138 ). Women are like internet viruses they enter your life, scan your pocket, edit your mind, download their problems, delete your smile.
139 ). Smile in front of people who hate you… Ur happiness kills them… …. girl attitude status
140 ). “I have a new theory in life…what other people think of me is truly none of my business!…
141 ). May my enemies live a long life to see my success.
142 ). I have Many problems in my life…But My lips don’t know that’ They Always Smile..
143 ). I enjoy when people show Attitude to me because it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me!
144 ). The greatest advantage of speaking the truth is that you don’t have to remember what you said.
145 ). i am what i am.. i will never try to be some one else.
146 ). Error: status unavailable
147 ). I don’t have time to hate people,who hate me.because, I’m too busy in loving people who love me. …. girl attitude status
148 ). I’m sorry my fault. I forgot you’re an Idiot. …. girl attitude status
149 ). A boy never forgets the girl he couldn’t have. NEVER.
150 ). It’s a man’s job to respect women but its a woman’s job to give him something to respect.
151 ). A real man treats his lady like a queen, and a real lady treats her man like a king. …. girl attitude status
152 ). Girls get 90+ in computer science but doesn’t know how to format. Boys get 40 marks but become professional hacker
153 ). My life,My rules My Attitude
154 ). The greatest pleasure in life is doing the things people say you can’t