…give It a Few Days

Posted on the 28 May 2014 by Zer @the2women

I hope think it’s safe to assume that we’ve all been posed with that age-old hypothetical question on peer pressure: If everyone jumped off the bridge, would you jump too?

Ah, the power of peer pressure. We were warned about its dangers as children, but they never told us it would never end.

Well, they may have, but I was still pondering the bridge question. That’s a pretty existential question for a child. What if everyone did jump off the bridge?

Anyways, luckily, the effects of peer pressure do end, sort of. According to science, peer pressure only lasts 3 days.

So the next time you’re wondering if you’d make the same decision were your friends not insisting, just take a minute (or 4,320), and come back to it. Your head will clear of your friends’ opinions and you’ll be able to make up your own mind.

Okay, so there might not be a practical use for bit of science, but don’t you feel better for knowing it?


TIME: Peer Pressure Lasts Only Three Days, Study Says

…bi-daily smile…