Today, right on the heels of some of the most branded shopping days of the year—Black Friday and Cyber Monday—we find ourselves on another day of spending, but with a slightly different outcome. Today is Giving Tuesday.
It’s not difficult to find examples of people being rotten on social media and in the real world. I like to think the reason it can be so very soul-crushing at times, is because we all know how very good (dare I say excellent) people can be.
Put another way, it’s not that we’re angry, it’s just that we’re disappointed (and in some cases also angry). Fortunately, today, Giving Tuesday, is one of those days when our very best comes out.
Call me an optimist, but I have to believe that our good outweighs our bad. The bad is just so very, very bad sometimes, so it’s easy to forget the good. But I digress, today is about giving and while money is how many will choose to give, it’s not the only way. Your time is just as valuable and sometimes more impactful.
The point of today is to give what you can to those who need it. So whether that’s time, money, or both, I hope we are all give something of ourselves today. Just in case you’re busy, I found a few options to get you started:
- NPR: On #GivingTuesday, How To Get The Most Bang For Your Charity Buck
- Nerdist: 7 Nerdy Charities to Donate to on Giving Tuesday
- The Leaky Cauldron: Save the World with Magic this Giving Tuesday
- Giving Tuesday: Ideas For Individuals
And just in case you’re catching this after the fact, remember that it doesn’t have to be Giving Tuesday to give.
…bi-daily smile…