Diaries Magazine

Giveaways and Life Lately

Posted on the 23 May 2012 by Brittanypigg @twinkletoesbrit
If you haven't noticed, there has been a button on the sidebar for about a week now. It is a link to Royal Daughter Designs' Birthday Giveaway Party. I haven't posted about it yet, because I thought a button would be enough. I changed my mind.
Amanda runs the business, and she is AWESOME! I mean, what other person gives gifts to OTHER PEOPLE for her own birthday? A very generous birthday girl, right? Absolutely!
So far, she is on day 20 of the party, and I have won already! I won 2 necklaces, a large ad space, and a print from CCY Designs! CCY Designs is run by Cassie of Live. Laugh. L0ve. I am super excited about winning this because I love Cassie! She was one of the first blogs I started following, and still one of my favorites!
Giveaways and life lately
This great giveaway was the second I won since I started blogging. I also won a Handful Bra courtesy of Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds! It just came in today and I L.O.V.E. it!! It is a sports bra with some padding! Now all I need is a yoga mat and some motivation and I can start going to that Pilates class I've been thinking about.
Giveaways and life lately All of these ladies are great!!
As for life lately: Tomorrow is my little brother's high school graduation! I can't believe it! I am so excited for him to be at college with me. I can't wait to show him around! Yesterday I took Laci to the dog park. We were the only ones there! She sniffed the entire park, then we came home and sat on the porch watching the sun set.
Giveaways and life lately

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