Giveaways and Life Lately

Posted on the 23 May 2012 by Brittanypigg @twinkletoesbrit
If you haven't noticed, there has been a button on the sidebar for about a week now. It is a link to Royal Daughter Designs' Birthday Giveaway Party. I haven't posted about it yet, because I thought a button would be enough. I changed my mind.
Amanda runs the business, and she is AWESOME! I mean, what other person gives gifts to OTHER PEOPLE for her own birthday? A very generous birthday girl, right? Absolutely!
So far, she is on day 20 of the party, and I have won already! I won 2 necklaces, a large ad space, and a print from CCY Designs! CCY Designs is run by Cassie of Live. Laugh. L0ve. I am super excited about winning this because I love Cassie! She was one of the first blogs I started following, and still one of my favorites!

This great giveaway was the second I won since I started blogging. I also won a Handful Bra courtesy of Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds! It just came in today and I L.O.V.E. it!! It is a sports bra with some padding! Now all I need is a yoga mat and some motivation and I can start going to that Pilates class I've been thinking about.
All of these ladies are great!!
As for life lately: Tomorrow is my little brother's high school graduation! I can't believe it! I am so excited for him to be at college with me. I can't wait to show him around! Yesterday I took Laci to the dog park. We were the only ones there! She sniffed the entire park, then we came home and sat on the porch watching the sun set.