Welcome back, sunlight and blue skies ... Such a pleasure after a week with rain, fog and gray skies! The sun peeked out Friday afternoon - so I biked by the lake, so see the setting sun, on my way home from work.
The weather is getting cold - the crispy, fresh air fills my lungs each morning as I step outside - the temperature may soon be under zero during the nighttime.
The sun is getting up at 8 am, and setting down at 4 pm ... That is my working hours and I am mostly inside ... So I'm cherishing the weekends, having the opportunity to be outside during daylight.
Light is so important, in many ways ... and especially with photography. I prefer taking the advantage of natural light when taking pictures, so I'm using each and every opportunity I get, to snap the daily photos with my iPhone.
Yet winter is a wonderful season for learning low light photography ... which is the reason why tripod is on my wish list. I have been reading lately some articles about slow shutter speed photography, and would really like to experiment more in that area.
What would be important to consider when buying a tripod?
And furthermore - what to consider when photographing with a tripod ... Should I use a timer in order to behave sharpness when photographing with normal shutter speed?- As you can read, I am thinking about entering into a new, unknown terrain!
... Wishing you a Happy Weekend with Glimpses of Sunlight,
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