I was disappointed to find that She Said Beauty are no longer running their Beauty Box as theirs was my favorite one, so I was left with a dilemma.....
Which beauty box to subscribe to?!
I decided to give both GlossyBox and BirchBox a try on a trial basis for a couple of months, and pick a winner at the end....
So let's see how they did against each other!!!

Birchbox's outer packing is hot pink with the Birchbox name along the outside edge...

Inside is another cardboard box with hot pink edging and the Birchbox emblem on the front...

Inside is a little hot pink nylon drawstring bag....

Containing the products!....

This months box contained:
Mini box of Lindt chocolatesLaura Geller eyeliner (Full Size)TINY sample of Molton Brown Valbonne perfumeSmall sample of La Sultane De Saba Body LotionTEENY WEENY sample of Yu-Be moisturiserBeautyBlender Sponge and BeautyBlender Cleanser (Full Size Sponge)
Hmmmm....in my opinion this box was a massive let down. Ok the BeautyBlender was interesting, and I MAY have liked the Laura Geller liner in a more mainstream color (mine was purple!) but everything else was boring - and the samples were FAR too miniscule for me to gain any idea of whether or not I liked them! Plus a body lotion and a moisturiser in one box?! Too similar if you ask me!!!
Glossybox's box was a limited edition Pearl Lowe collection, and so the box was designed differently than usual with this lovely floral pattern....Pretty!

Inside we received:

Model co Cheek & Lip Stain - Full SizeSunSense Daily Face Tinted SunscreenNip + Fab Pistachio Sundae Body ButterEssie Nail Varnish - Full SizeYves Rocher So Elixir Perfume Sample
Two good full size products here that I will actually get use out of it, will definitely use the Essie and the Model Co products - good mix of other products.
Which Box Wins?
This month - Glossybox has it for me.
The products excite me more, the brands are much more ones I would go for and I think the sample sizes are much more workable! Birchbox's sample sizes were an absolute joke this month!!!!

This month is Glossy Box's 2nd Birthday - so to celebrate we have some lovely 2nd Birthday paper and a sticker inside! Festive! Though no balloon like we got for their first birthday box...bit disappointed by that if I'm honest!!! lol.

Whats In The Box?!
Stone Beauty Body Lotion Sample - boring.Headline Colours Nail Varnish Beautiful Movements Prime & Create Mixing Medium - tiny sample!La Roche Posay - Sun Protection Gel - Full SizeJelly Pong Pong Fairy Lashes Mascara - Full SizePlus to celebrate their birthday we were given a pack of mini nail files.....cute!

As for Birchbox this month, the packaging remains the same as ever...inside we find:
Weleda Skin Food Sample - decent sizeLa Societe Parisienne De Savons Soap - Full SizeMirenesse Perfect Kiss Lipstick Pencil - Full SizeGreen & Spring relaxing shampoo - sample sizeGerda Spillman Renaissance Age Serum - tiny sample sizePocket Mirror
Which Box Wins?!
Well I was more impressed with Birchbox this month than last - the soap is lovely and I will certainly use the lipstick pencil. However the shampoo sample is too small for me to get a good idea of whether or not I like it as I have very long hair and this would barely be enough for one use for me, and the age serum sample size is ridiculously tiny!I LOVE Jelly Pong Pong so the mascara clinched it for Glossybox this month - I also think the inclusion of a nail varnish can only ever be a good thing.
So who did I cancel my subscription with?
I'm afraid it had to be Birchbox! The tiny samples just didn't do it for me - Glossybox may not always be perfect, but I find their sample sizes much more generous than Birchboxes and when I try a product I at least want enough of it for one decent use!!!!
So...I'm a Glossybox Girl for the foreseeable future!
Do you subscribe to a beauty box? if so, which one and why? if not, would you consider it?As always, I'd love to hear from you!