Gluten Free Potato Pancakes…

Posted on the 02 January 2015 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

I am trying desperately to come up with gluten free recipes that are just as delicious as the recipes I used to use with flour.

I have just discovered arrowroot powder (I got it at my local health-food store). I am totally in love with this stuff. It works even better than flour for thickening and so far, I am impressed.

This morning’s experiment was Potato Pancakes, I was really happy to wake up on New Years Day with no hangover…when you are my age, hangovers are total crap. They last for days, sometimes three…it totally isn’t worth it. So I decided to make a delicious breakfast.

I burned the bacon. Because my cat was sitting on my ipad. I of course needed a picture of that, because. Well. Ridiculous. Sorry the picture is weird, my phone was on some bizarre setting and time was to limited to get another one. She hates it when I take pictures of her, she knows I am mocking her on social media…

cat on ipad

So regardless…the Potato Pancakes survived my burning spree, and once again I am convinced that flour is over rated.

potato pancake ingredients

Here is what you need:

This made about 9 Potato Pancakes…

  • 2 large russet potatoes
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp arrowroot powder
  • 2 scallions  (I totally forgot to put them in my picture…)

What you do:

Grate the potatoes with cheese grater in a large bowl. Squeeze the liquid out of the potatoes to the best of your ability, a strainer and squeezing the potatoes by hand seems to be the best method I can come up with, but you want the liquid to be mostly gone.

Once the potatoes are ready, put them back in your large bowl and add egg, arrowroot powder and chopped scallions. Mix everything together well.

If you have a cast iron frying pan, I recommend you use it for these. It gets nice and hot and they cook beautifully. Heat the pan on med high and add either coconut oil or butter to the pan, once it is melted add your potatoes.

I make the patties with my hands, if there is any excess liquid you can squeeze it out at this point. Put patties in hot pan and cook for about 4 minutes each side. They may take a bit more or a bit less time, depending on well…everything.

I like to cook them until they are really crispy on the outside but still moist on the inside.

They are delicious with a dab of butter and ketchup too :)

Delicious!! What a great way to start out the day!!

Happy 2015 Everyone!!