
Posted on the 21 November 2011 by Zer @the2women

For we need a little Muppets...or Christmas now.

Well, here we go. There’s no avoiding it now.  The holidays are here.

Okay, the crucial final days leading up to the all out holiday pandemonium are here. Now’s the time when we all show our true holiday colors.

The truly organized ones already have their menu queued up and ready to go. Their shopping route for Black Friday has been calculated to give them the best shot at the big ticket items. Of course, they’ve also finished the bulk of their Christmas shopping. They’re just looking for filler items.

Then there’s the rest of us. Some of us may have already purchased a gift or two off of Amazon. We might even have a rough draft of our Thanksgiving shopping list. And most of us don’t really need to plot out our Black Friday shopping plans because there’s no way we’re dealing with those crazy people.

We also know the key to survivng the holiday season. At all cost, avoid those people in the first group, they’ll just make you feel bad. Or at least don’t let them suck you into a to-do list conversation—it’s a trap.

So, ready or not it’s time to get things started…

Muppet Countdown: less than 2 days to go

…just for fun:

The 12 Days of Christmas