In case Black Friday and Small Business Saturday weren’t enough to drive you crazy, there’s another whole day dedicated to getting the best deals for your holiday shopping.
This time, we’re taking the deals to the Internet. With just a few clicks of the mouse/touch screen, all of your Christmas shopping can be purchased, gift wrapped and shipped to your door within a few days.
This year marks Cyber Monday’s 10th anniversary. Yes, you read that right — 10 years. Which means, whether you love it or hate it, it’s officially become a “thing,” and it’s probably not going anywhere anytime soon.
Good luck to all those searching for a bargain. If you’re just hearing about this now, don’t panic, you still have a few hours to go. Plus, more likely than not, there will be an extension of the sale prices and we’ll be celebrating Cyber Monday through Wednesday.
More on the Story: USA Today
…just for fun: