Posted on the 27 June 2017 by Terinanicole @theterinanicole
You LOVE to DIY. Hashtag #MAKERSGONNAMAKEBut often the relationship you have with crafting is a LOVE/HATE one.Why?Because you have a pimped out Pinterest board full of fabulous projects that you'll get to "someday" and the reason why "someday" isn't right now is because of the growing heap of DIY fails accumulating sadly in the corner of your room.You know how super frustrating it is to fall head-over-heels in love with a cool jewelry design or home decor project and set aside time to knock it out just to discover that the materials list is full of obscure components that you don't own.Annoying, but no biggie.A trip to Joann's Fabric never killed anyone, right?But you get there and find that only 1/3 of what the project calls for is sold there. So now you must extend your search to Home Depot, Micheals, and Amazon.com to purchase every component necessary to successfully complete the project. It's A LOT. But you do it and now you're READY TO CRAFT. Back to the DIY project you found on Pinterest you go. Now you're happily crafting along and then...BOOM.You hit a wall. Something isn't working out right. Your project is NOT looking like the dazzling one in the photo because the instructions are unclear. Now what???? You throw up your hands in defeat and add the unfinished project to the sad pile accumulating in your room.Money and time down the drain. Again. Love/hate relationship personified.There's got to be a better way! Now there is.We call it The Creative's Container.