…go Head to Head

Posted on the 09 September 2012 by Zer @the2women

It’s Sunday, and once again, that means it’s time for football. For the truly devoted fan, it’s seemed like an eternity since last the pig skin dominated the Sunday television viewing schedule.  However, on Wednesday night, the kick-off for the NFL season, it was politics (The DNC to be precise) that reigned supreme (by a couple million television viewers).

Naturally, this surprising statistic brought about a 2WC discussion about the similarities between politics and football (the two have more in common then we’d like to admit).

For those who didn’t tune in for any of the mudslinging these past two weeks, you missed out on a grand display of party politics at its finest.  Amid the mess, accusations were thrown, flags were waved, disagreements were had, and gaffs were shared by one and all.  All within the political arena.

Today, in more literal arenas across the U.S., mud will be slung (literally), footballs will be thrown (along with a few flags no doubt), disagreements will be had, and gaffs will be shared (although perhaps not by one and all).

There may be something gladiatorial about it all, but the directness of the physical conflict on the football field when compared to the antics of the political arena somehow makes the contact sport more civil.

In fact, a lot of politicians today could learn a lot from the civility of football (and other sports).  Specifically, the well-known saying, “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.”


“TV Viewers Choose Politics Over Football”: WSJ

“Divisive Partisanship: Yes, We Built That”: CBS

…bi-daily smile…