…Go Live

Posted on the 10 April 2014 by Zer @the2women

This week, saw another leap forward for the usefulness of wearable technology, when Google Glass announced their new Livestream app.

For those unfamiliar with the service, Livestream is exactly what it sounds like. It streams live video online. Only, now with the Glass app, instead of streaming live video from a camera or smartphone, it will stream it from your face.

Which on one hand, will proved a much more personal experience for the viewers at home. From a journalistic perspective, it’s a fascinating idea. Imagine how different a live interview would be if you were seeing it from the interviewer or interviewee’s perspective.

However, on the other hand, it is totally creepy.

Until proven innocent all Google Glass wearers will be assumed to be streaming live. And don’t even get me started on how this could be abused by the stalker and restraining order community.

Thankfully, the good outweighs the “stalker” aspect of the app. We can only hope that those who use it, choose it for good instead of earning their catchy “Glass-holes,” nickname.
More on the Story: Tech Crunch

…just for fun: