At his name, every knee on heaven and earth shall bow
Be it spiritual forces not of him, witches, wizards,curses,ancestors, sickness...
They shall all bow
Demons know God. But they shiver in his presence.
He is powerful. Above all.
I stand with a God of great people! The God of moses, Isaac, Jacob, Abraham!
How can you depend on the dead? You expect them to "bless" you with material wealth, when they can't even change their own situation! They can't resurrect their dead bodies. I believe in Jesus, the one who defeated the grave and rose from the dead! Because of his victory, I too will conquer death, and rise to be with him in heaven. #ExcitingStuffAt his name chains that bound us are broken, we are set free.
He broke Peter's chains in Acts, he can break yours too!
Choose to #Believe in a God above all other gods.Amen!