God is Trying to Tell Me Not to Dye My Hair…

Posted on the 28 April 2014 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

A few weeks ago, I decided to change things up and part my hair on the left. Yes, I know, you are thinking that I’m an insanely wild woman who lives on the edge. However, when I did, I was horrified to find a new group of inhabitants in my part line.

It seems a family of gray hairs has decided to set up camp on the front part of my head. This was my reaction upon inspection.

gray hair

Because I am a fearless ruler who doesn’t stand for intruders. I decided to take action.

I picked up one of those root-dying at-home hair kits, determined to bring back the brown and eliminate the gray.

I put on the gloves, read the directions, and mixed the dye.

As I started to put the first glob of color on my hair, the little strand of gray with the color dangling on the end of it proceeds to swing from the side of my head, directly into my eye.

I screamed because from the immediate burning sensation of my eye socket and proceed to yell to my husband, “I’M BLIND! I’M BLIND! LET ME LOOK AT THE CHILDREN ONE LAST TIME”

He rushes into the bathroom, pushes me into the shower (I’m fully dressed, by the way) and proceeds to flush the dye out of my eye.

When I come out of the shower, take off my wet clothes and put on my bathrobe, I snap this attractive picture.


So now, I have an eye infection AND a sea of grays.

If you are looking for me in the next few days – I’ll be the one wearing a bandanna in my hair and sunglasses over my eyes.

It’s seriously hard to be this attractive.