Do you ever get so focussed on something that you lose touch with what is happening around you?. Perhaps you have an important exam,or just somthing that is worrying you and you can't think of anything else. Welli am alot like that too. I get extra focussed on whatever thing i do and i can't seem to get that thing off my mind until it is completed and perfect! I'll thing about the uncompleted important "somthing" all through work or school until i get home to finish it.
In Jacob's faimly, food was the big concern and the job of getting to egypt and back to buy it. They didnt have a big picture understanding of what God was doing; they just needed to get more food. (now for those of you who know the story of Joseph(Jacob's son) , you will know how God turned the whole thing around and ended up bringing Jacob's whole family to Egypt as a result of their visit to eygpt in search of food where they bumbed into joseph who was now a big ruler in eygpt!!)
When they came bacl to egypt, the brothers were taken to joseph's house. They were scared that they would be punished for taking the money from their first visit to egypt. They were clueless that God was quietly planning the whole thing so that their lives would be safe. The situation that Jacob's sons found themselves in, was ironic. They had sold Joseph into slavery years ago. Now they were afraid they were about to become his slaves.
But NO...instead Joseph welcomed his brothers who once betrayed him,and sent them to bring back the whole family to eygpt were there was more food for all!....That my friends, is the power of Grace & Love
Always remember that God is, or might be, doing something beyond whatever you are focussed on. God is always working in human history, to bring his purposes to completion. Whether your sporting event is won or lost by the home team, or that business contract falls through, God is in control and there is a bigger picture than whatever is taking up all our thoughts and efforts!
waow...Just thought i should share that guys, i have been going through lots of stress lately with school and life but this did encourage me
Hope it encouraged you too
**Much Love , Thandi**