Posted on the 15 March 2015 by Amitagulia
Tiny as a pulseSimilar as a boy,Floating in the womb,Symbol of LAXMI,Sacred yet Scared!
Soft as a petal,Innocent as cotton,Tinkling by laughter,Symbol of SARASWATI,Education herself, yet illiterate!
Blooming as a flower,Flourishing sweet fruits,Apple of eyes,Symbol of GANGA,Precious yet donated!
Welcomed with crackers,Accepts all changes,Dreaming of happiness,Symbol of PARVATI,Loveable yet abused!
Worshiped in Temples,Sought of in  Navratri,Decorated in flowers,No body cares,As they become DRIED PETALS!
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Also linking to weekly prompt -  DryPetals