Good Enough, Rejoin Life.

Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Leah-Jlynn @Leah_Jamielynn


I’ am trying not to think to hard, about where I’ am at or where I hope to go.

if only for today, I can free my mind, my self and practice to live.

Let God, let Christ, let be , give all things a chance and just flow.

It’s a simple thought, a simple plan, easy to conceive, yet hard to believe.

I’ am happy here, I could be better when I get there, I’m so ready to achieve.


The eagerness of it all leaves me nervous, self conscious and at times a bit nauseous.

Sick of the fact, I might not make it, because I’ am not good enough.

Over and over self doubt in my head, how can I enjoy the day and see that it’s precious?

I need to  swing on a mental swing, with a childish imagination of fun and  courageous things.

Give in to the day sit above the moment, breathe in, take heed and listen to the world sing.

The song is called your “Good Enough, come and rejoin what is called Life”.

Blessings, Live Life and get back into the swing of it.~Leah


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