Good Morning Girls - Week 6

Posted on the 22 February 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
This season of Good Morning Girls has been trying for all of the gals in our group.  We have really been under attack for trials, tribulations and anxiety.
But, we knew that it would be a rough season going in. Two of us girls were in for a DRASTIC living situation/location changes. Two other girls are facing the daunting task of the bar exam just next week. To say we've needed each other as prayer warriors is an understatement.

I went from this - the lap of luxury. One of three pools (not counting the SPOOL) in my old complex.

Due to my living changes, I am living without immediate access to fast (or really decent) internet (point in fact, while I was typing this the battery in the hotspot modem died). I haven't been able to follow the blogs of other GMG to see what you've gotten out of Ephesians so far.  For me, it has been a lot of realizing the immeasurable power of God's greatness, and loving others. 

To this - a ranching fence around my new home, the closest neighbor multiple acres away.

Today's verse was especially appropriate, confirming that we can one day comprehend the height, depth and length of God's amazing love for us. WOW!
I think a lot of times I live without that knowledge. I needed the reminder that God's love for me is beyond my wildest dreams.
I'd love to hear what is touching your heart the most during this GMG season. Please leave me a comment and share what you're learning. :)
PS. If you haven't entered yet, click over here to enter my giveaway for inspirational, Christian art work from a lovely Etsy store. There will be two winners!