Diaries Magazine

Goodbye [Final Post]

Posted on the 29 June 2024 by Therealme

[This is written in real time.]

I have decided this post to be the final one that I’m publishing on this blog.

The actual diaries go to the year 2018, there’s about 50% (or less) of material left, but I have no interest in rewriting it here as it… well, few things in actuality:
-This blog did not gain the community I hoped it would get (there’s no interest)
-It’s time-consuming in my life
-I do not like the direction the diary went into

There is an actual ending with full closure, somewhere mid-2018, after many nature-of-material and structural changes, I’m just hinting that if all things are considered, the ending couldn’t have been different. That means you can correctly imagine it to some extent. It was my plan to actually go through the entire 2012 year here, all the next years are shorter, but this one was really special to me… for many things, so this period I posted the several remaining entries until the end of it.

I am doing fine in life now. If you want to contact me or show some appreciation or interest about possibly getting the rest of the entries, you can use the comment section below.


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