Google Glass is the technology of the next level and is quite an innovation too. It has been praised as well as criticized by masses. This is what Google says in this context:
"When we started the Explorer Program nearly a year ago our goal was simple: we wanted to make people active participants in shaping the future of this technology ahead of a broader consumer launch." The thing under consideration for now is whether to permit the developers to use facial recognition technology or not in the Google Glass. According to Google, there will be no such feature in Glass unless there are privacy protections in place. "We've been listening closely to you, and many have expressed both interest and concern around the possibilities of facial recognition in Glass. As Google has said for several years, we won’t add facial recognition features to our products without having strong privacy protections in place. With that in mind, we won’t be approving any facial recognition Glassware at this time." Privacy advocates are concerned that a person wearing Google Glass will walk into a restaurant or shopping mall and will spot who's around him running facial recognition technology. This may seem useful but to be honest this can do irreparable damage.A commenter, Randy Casey, says facial recognition won't do any harm and there's no point in blocking it:"There's already been talk about CCTV systems having facial recognition. It would be really wrong if only the governments had this technology. Regardless, if Google suppresses it, some other competitor will offer it." Google is currently looking into this and they say they have learned a lot from the community and they would learn more in the future make their policies accordingly. Is there any harm in providing Glass the feature of facial recognition? We personally think it will do more damage than being funny or useful. How do you look forward to this technology? Let us know in the comments below.