Grand Budapest Hotel Or Hotel Imperial

Posted on the 16 October 2014 by Elizabethwix


  We were enchanted by Wes Anderson's Grand Budapest Hotel  - a wonderful, over the top extravaganza of a movie -  a mishmash of Mitteleuropa, 20th century history and who knows what else. So we set out in search of somerthing somewhat similar...


Prague not Budapest - and not this building (the hotel in the movie was an artificial construct after all). Anyway it should have had a facade like this... 


But it did have very tall windows.


 though she graces another hotel of the period.

 Such splendid Egyptianate tiles in the hall

not to mention in the dining room where the clock was, oddly, always right.

 Ah, the woodwork and the lights

and the art deco stiatcase

and the servers in those nice extra-long white aprons

 rushing hither and thither...

Photos taken in Hotel Pariz, Prague and Art Deco Imperial Hotel Prague.

Ocober 2014