Diaries Magazine

Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle

Posted on the 28 March 2019 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle

As usual, March has been busy with various things - visits, travel, work and more. It seems to have gone by faster than expected and I am shocked to find that we're at the end of the month.

No regrets though-considering life always has her ups and downs. I didn't spend much time online-which is a good thing since I was busy focusing on decluttering and cleaning up. The stuff that accumulates over years and years and years is not easy to clear out quickly! There's also the unique problem of giving away, sometimes, you know. I left a perfectly good pair of shoes outside my house - and not where we tend to take them off. I mean, it was obvious that they were there for the taking-yet they just sat there. Finally, a week later, I asked one of the delivery persons if they'd like it and the shoes found a happy new owner.

Not easy 🙂

I remember, after I got married and had to move to another city, my Mom and I pretty much donated most of our things. Believe it or not, I had three huge trunks full of books and no takers. Suitcases full of clothes, and no takers. Can you imagine? I was willing to give them away.

So remember, my friends, giving away is not always as easy as we assume. My grandma was right.

Anyway, resuming the March musings, here's what I am grateful for.

The month started with travel. We went to Chennai. Sury had work at the IIT and I tagged along on a whim. I wanted to visit my uncle and in-laws and I am so glad I did. It was pleasant meeting both. While Sury was busy with his work, I roamed the IIT campus and it was wonderful to soak in the sun's heat, watch deer gamboling around and oh, the trees.

Banyan trees galore - so much that there's actually a Banyan tree avenue there. I love trees and it was two days of spending time in nature to my heart's content-my only connection to technology being the phone camera and using Google maps. Utter bliss.

And oh, we were still running after cancelled flight refunds which only got settled last week. How sad that brands react only when you call them out on social media! Really sad!

Once we got back home, it was back to the grind as usual. Work and other stuff. I also got busy gathering toys and books for my friend's preschool and had an absolutely lovely time reminiscing over the times my son enjoyed them, and we, with him. So heart-warming to think that other kids will enjoy these as much as we did. Now, I am looking forward to a visit to the school to meet the kids as my friend said she wont open the bags until I get there!

I got my new spectacles finally from the optician. Couldn't find a frame exactly like the one I had and had to pick a different one. So difficult to choose frames! But I am proud of myself for not lingering over it. And it is nice to have my eyes back! Grateful for this. I cannot imagine not being able to see/read.

Of course March is a beautiful month because we were anticipating our son's visit for his short mid-semester break. He was here for five days and we cherished each moment. Always grateful for the wonderful relationship we share. All too soon, it was time for him to leave but I am grateful we will see him again soon for the summer vacation.

Last week, I had this sudden urge to revamp this blog's look and installed a new theme that didn't sit well with it. It crashed. It refused to load. So I did the sensible thing by simply restoring it back to what it was and felt happy. Grateful to have Vanita on my side to help me through it. Her patience, her expertise, her humor - what would I do without her? I am glad I'll never have to find out!

I did add an about me and a photo to the sidebar > > > check it out! > > >

Health wise, I've been feeling slightly low. I have started a new diabetes medication and it is agreeing with me so far. I've been walking regularly. But there's a lethargy and I am blaming the hot weather for it. It is already quite warm and the fan is not enough. Our city is known for it's pleasant weather but over the last few years, it has been steadily getting worse, what with cutting down trees, constructions, etc. We're dreading the next three months. Still, so grateful to be fortunate to work from home and slack off when I feel like!

I did something very uncharacteristic! I actually planned my A to Z Challenge posts for four blogs and I can't stop laughing at myself! I am the kind of person who plans what to write the previous evening while walking. But well - it felt good to plan. Now for the writing bit! I just have a feeling I will end up writing away from the plan, as usual! Happy for the joy it brought. Feels good.

Oh, I got approved as an #AmazonInfluencer. I've been an Amazon Associate for years now and it was nice to spend all of five minutes applying for the Influencer program and getting approved. Was seeing their ads everywhere and finally gave in and applied. Now I have a storefront on Amazon-so much fun creating lists and adding products! Check it out: Amazon India and Amazon International. Do feel free to shop! Any commissions I earn will be donated. Grateful to have another source with possibilities to make a difference in lives.

And now, I am Marching Ahead Gratefully!

Here's a 5 minute gratitude meditation for you:

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take deep breaths
Now complete the following

I am grateful for

3 people I know
3 things I've learned
3 gifts I've received

Enjoy the feeling! Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle

How was March for you? Year ending busy? Gearing up for the A to Z Challenge? Let me know if you'd like to buddy up.

Join me for the March 2019 Gratitude Circle blog hop. Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle Gratefully Marching Ahead #GratitudeCircle

You know what to do: write your post, add the badge and link up with your post URL below.

I wish you a wonderful April ahead!

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