A week ago, my internet service provider sent me a warning to let me know that I was on the verge of exceeding my quota, and suggesting that I buy extra data packages. My first reaction was shock, as I am under the impression that we don't even get anywhere close to even half our quota, considering that our usage is not heavy. I could understand if my son were at home, but no. So how come?
My next thought was - what to do?
Surprisingly, my reaction was to switch off my laptop. If I wanted to check email, I could do that on my tab and that would take about 10 minutes. I decided to just go for an impromptu digital detox and focus on some spring cleaning around the house.
There is this cupboard I've been working on - it is a long term project. It has been swallowing things for so many years now, how could I even hope to clear it in a few days? So I've been taking my time. A month back, I had cleaned out one shelf in the cupboard, which was threatening to fill up again.
So thanks to the impending lack of internet, I decided to get back to it. Now the funny thing is, I quite enjoy cleaning. And that cupboard is so full of nostalgia, I was happy to get lost in it.
Yes, I was suitably rewarded. To cut a long story short, I uncovered some photos, my sketch book and a whole lot of things I had forgotten I had. This was tucked into one of my Mom's favorite books. What memories it brought back!

And this - I had forgotten I had done this back in 1997. The names against the alphabet are those of organized crime leaders. They were so much in the news at the time that I simply had to pick up pen and paper and do this.

For good measure, I also started working on my wardrobe as it was overflowing and got that organized. Still a work in progress, but I am getting to the finish line.
I am grateful I had the wisdom to just carry on with doing something I liked rather than ranting over what I did not have.
I'd like to share something I read recently in this context. Gratitude is like a flashlight. When we step out in the dark, we see nothing. When we switch on the flashlight, everything comes into clear focus, things that were always there.
Gratitude is like that flashlight. When we turn it on, we suddenly notice every little thing. We stop taking what we have for granted. We start counting our blessings.
And? You can use the flashlight of gratitude any time of day or night, at any point in life, wherever you are.
What am I shining my flashlight of gratitude on, today?
- A solid wakeup call in the form of a high blood sugar reading. It means I must take better care of myself.
- The elevators in our apartment complex are being replaced, which means we have to take the stairs. Grateful for that cardio workout!
- A wonderful meeting with friends on Jan 31
- An intro to a new author - new for me -via the gift of a book from Sid, turning me into an instant fan and making me chase after her other books.
- Discovering how much I love masala tea. Delightful. Coffee is still my first love!
- A recovering ear - I had to go through another round of antibiotics and treatment before being pronounced okay. So grateful
- Thanks to the ear, I took time off work and caught up on reading. A lot.
- A visit from a 3 year old. I have a thing for 3 year olds, I think! I had a most delightful time! And I am more than happy to give them a permanent place on my gratitude list!
- I enjoyed an unexpected date on Valentine's Day. I really must do it again.
- Last Saturday, yet another fantastic blogger meet that was amazing - meeting my friends again and having a good time.
- Several additions to my photo album courtesy Sid and Soumya. I've never had so many photos taken of me and it was a pleasant experience!
- Lots of laughter!
As always, I could go on and on, as this list is by no means exhaustive.
What is on your list?Now, for this week's gratitude practice
- Take a few minutes right now.
- Reflect on a happy moment in your life that you remember distinctly.
- It can be something that happened recently, years ago, during your childhood.
- Experience it in your mind again, in detail
- What can you recall about it?
- What can you see?
- What can you hear?
- What can you feel?
- Which moment in particular stays with you?
- Did you feel gratitude?
- What made you feel grateful?
Next month, I have a fun gratitude activity I'll share with you in pictures that you'll really enjoy! Did you try out last month's Gratitude stones activity? I'd love to know/see!
Welcome to the February 2016 Gratitude Circle bloghop!What made your soul happy recently? What wonderful experience warmed your heart? Write about anything that made you smile, write a post, add the badge above to it, and add your post link to the linky below.Thank you!
Thank you for your comment ♥
Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury