The Future is waiting for you.......don't be afraid to live in your present
What will define your day for you, how differently will you go about your day from yesterday? We can sometimes get stuck like a record in what should have happened, what someone should have done, or the other hand finds us making plans for what we do when the kids grow up and leave home or we retire.
We forget to live with the day we have today, right now. I am not one to say not plan, but don't stop yourself from doing something - if you have a book to write, start it, break it down to what you can fit in whether it is 5 minutes or 1 hour or 1 day.
With the rush of Christmas over, and the New Year ahead I am grateful that the coming year holds so much promise. We have an opportunity to be more than we were, see more than we have seen. I also celebrate the many lives that I may get to be a blessing to next year.