Gratitude's and Celebrations - the beginning.....
Allow the blank spaces and the silence time to settle....Sometimes you need to be quite, to stop and listen. Listen to the silence uncomfortable at times but necessary, listen to your heartbeat, your breath, the ticking of the clock. Listen to your mind as it tries to make sense of the world, as the wind soars past your window frame and makes a sound as it seeps into the panes of glass, to the tweeting of the birds in your garden.
Gratitudes and Celebrations - Listen as the page begins to take shape
Listen to your thoughts, as you go about your day, what are you saying to yourself, what words of encouragement or discouragement do you utter in a moment of testing? Listen to your cries of your heart, what is it you really want? often what is not said speaks volumes.Listen - sometimes it takes time to make sense....
Listen to your voice, do you support yourself in your endeavors? Are you spending time in your creativity, do you listen to the little girl inside you shouting to be heard, or do you brush her aside and miss your calling?Listen - don't be afraid to stand out....
Listen to your heart as you give space to those friendships, the bonds of love, nurtured, supportive, and forgiving, those that are near and sometimes far. Listen to the word....I am grateful today for the opportunity to listen, to listen to my heart and celebrate the stillness that will bring peace.What do you need to listen to this week?
Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
Have a blessed weekend! If you want to see how I made the journal (click here) Blessings!