I took another break from the routine, not really knowing why I couldn't write about the things that I was grateful for, but I guess not feeling quite on top of things. I told myself that some time out would enable me to look at things from a different perspective.
My plan at the moment is writing down all the things I want in my life, from the very small and controllable - like ' I want to get fitter' to the big dreams of wanting to travel round the world and bless people with my art and creativity.
As I work through my lists of 'wants' I am looking at how I can make them SMART and attainable, and I am grateful for the ability to dream and dream big, to take those steps one at a time, each and every day to not only see my dreams come to pass, but to effect the lives of millions of people in a positive way.Gratitude's and Celebration Journal
I am grateful that it can start with the seed of an idea and really take root in the hearts and minds of others.Take a moment to thinks about what you are grateful for today, leave a comment if you dare!:)
I am on a creative journey in my journal and hope you come along and join me. Why not start your own journal, keep it as simple or complex as you wish, but do something!Gratitude and Celebration Journal